Payment Options

Dental treatment is an excellent investment in an individual's health and well being. Because of this, we believe financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining this procedure. Being sensitive to the fact that different patients have different needs, we provide the following payment options:

Pay Your Bill Online Cash • Check • Credit Cards - Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express • Alston LayAway Plan • Insurance Coverage • Monthly Payment Plans

MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS - Use the links below to prequalify yourself for financing or to use the payment calculators to determine your payments amount for any given expense.

Lifestyle Lending-Apply On-Line

They apply to multiple credit unions so you have a choice between them. An advantage to Lifestyle Lending is they shop your loan to multiple credit unions and it only shows on your credit report as one application. Then you have a choice of credit unions and credit unions generally have better rates and are restricted on what fees they can charge.
is a revolving medical care credit line. We offer Zero interest up to 12 months. We also have longer plans specially designed for INVISALIGN financing.